Hehehe...biarpun Shim Gun Wook bernasib tragis tapi mendatangkan rejeki untuk-ku thank you ya...hehehe..
Hub Bad Guy yang baru kuterbitkan tgl. 12 Agustus kemarin sudah diakses dari mana2, menurut statistik, dari Singapore, Malaysia, Philipina, Thailand, USA, Ind, dll dan dah jadi featured topics untuk media dan entertainment (ya meskipun nanti akan di rolling lagi tapi so far..Shim Gun Wook memberiku keberuntungan hehehe) dan mendapat sekitar 409 page views, lumayan..
Spesial for Kim Nam Gil :
Hehe..thank you, if only you'd ever read this, I've got more than 47,083 page views for my QSD hub! Thank's to you! And it keeps growing ^_^
You know, so many fans of yours for around the globe were so fascinated with your Bi Dam's role, and many keep asking me about you, I mean was Bi dam really exist and about Bi Dam's war and there was a question like where Bi Dam's comes from, is he from Japan or China? Oh my..as though I'm your spokesperson (you have to pay me for this, haha kidding)
Anyway, thank you, this is so great!
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