Halo Indosiar,
Sebagai fans Jumong, saya ingin serial ini dilanjutkan penayangannya, Mau Sore atau Malam terserah, yang penting dilanjutkan sampai selesai, ok?
Kalau bisa dubbing-nya diganti, itu lebih baik. Tapi kalau tidak pun, saya sudah mulai terbiasa dengan puan, teungku, dan berbual-bual..jadi tidak masalah.
Banyak yang bisa dipelajari dari Jumong, terutama fakta sejarah, perjuangan, kesetiaan, dan kepahlawanan. Ayolah Indosiar..lanjutkan ya..OK?!
Di bawah ini adalah sebagian kecil pendapat teman2 saya yang pernah lihat atau mulai tertarik dengan Jumong dari berbagai negara :
BkCreative 2 months ago
The drama is fantastic. I can actually watch it on MBC station here in NYC.
And about Korea - I had the pleasure of working in Seoul, S. Korea, off and on over a four year period - and I had some of the best years of my life. The respect for elders was amazing - wow! Being in my 50's I have never been treated so well here in the US as I was in Seoul. Great quality of life, great foods, highly educated, the women were the best and I can go on and on and on.
Thanks for the hub!
Hello, hello, 2 months ago
That was so interesting to read, Thank you. I don't know a lot about Korea and its culture and yout hub was an eye- opener. I only know about the war and that must have horrific. I know because I had the experience.
prettydarkhorse 2 months ago
I like Korean dramas as they proliferate in the Phils before I migrated here in the US, nice hub, Maita
tony0724 2 months ago
I loved this drama and watched it from beginning to end on an asian cinema cable channel we have in the States here. And " Jumong " was my absolute favorite. Thanks for posting about this show. It was awesome !
ateenyi 2 months ago
Excellent Hub!!!!!!!
The depiction of Korean drama occurred in superbly fantastic way. Pictures displayed are awesome and breathtaking. The whole historical account is very worth to read. Thanks a lot for providing so enjoyable hub culminated with tremendous information and knowledge.
emievil 2 months ago
Jumong was shown here like 4 years ago, but it remains one of my favorite Korean series. Thanks for featuring it in your hub febriedethan
myintkyaw94 2 months ago
very very good .....;)
travel_man1971 2 months ago
I also like Jewel in the Palace. The main protagonist became the first midwife in old Korea. The translated version in the Philippines was shown five years ago. Queen Seon Dok is still one of the primetime drama on television. It replaced Jumong historical drama last year. Most Asians are fans of Korean epic dramas, nowadays, don't we all? Thanks for this hub, Ms. Febriedethan
Tella Lazo 6 weeks ago
I love Jumong!
I love Korean historical dramas!
so nice!
so good!
espie 5 weeks ago
please upload Jumong on youtube i was'nt able to watch it on TV here in the phils. Mysoju upload it but it is broken up to now
C-gil08 4 weeks ago
i've really like korean drama,Ju Mong was really fascinating.i really like it.Ü
KoreAm dude 4 weeks ago
i love you guys lol...
Mereka dah pada nonton, masa pemirsa di Indonesia belum sih...?
Jadi...Jumongnya dilanjutkan ya...Thank you !!
Love yah Indosiar,

Jumong : "Pasti"
So Seo No : "Bagaimana jika tidak?"
Jumong : "Pasukan Damul yang akan maju."
Pasukan Damul....

PS : tirzakwan = febriedethan ^__^
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